norwegian text books available for purchase online.

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Beginning and Know-A-Little classes: The Mystery of Nils Part 1

Know-A-Little More: The Mystery of Nils Part 2

Find your Swedish text books here! Laura Wideburg has published a variety of Textbooks you will use in the swedish classes we offer!

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My friend, colleague and former University of Washington professor Henning Sehmsdorf has recently completed a new book. Many of you participated in it by filling out the survey he used as research for this book. Henning is self-publishing the book through a printer/bookbindery in Bellingham. The book is titled, "Continuity of Norwegian Tradition in the Pacific Northwest". This book is available at the National Nordic Museum online store at

Back in mid-May 2020, after we all heard that the century-old parade in Ballard had been cancelled, my daughter Kjersti Egerdahl had just published her second book, "The Viking Hondbók". It has been well received and is still available.

Inspired by the legendary legacy of the Vikings, author Kjersti Egerdahl presents a compelling and entertaining guide exploring who the Vikings were and how they lived, from ancient Norse daily life to battles and adventuring. You’ll learn how Vikings ate, dressed, and fought, and even how they weaved the perfect beard braid and built warships and weapons. Interspersed throughout is revealing historical anecdotes about Viking conquests, famous warriors, mythology and afterlife, and much more. Here is a link to the publisher if you’d like to order:ók/9780762495894/?lens=running-press

The Viking Hondbok.jpg